The American Chemical Society has provided a compilation of resources on safety in the lab. Check it out here.
JST members really showed their strength at YCS 2018!
Congratulations to Suzanne for receiving the very first JST Safety Award.
Congratulations to Aneta for receiving a TA...
The 4th Annual Safety Day will be held in the 3rd Floor Lounge of SCL Tuesday August 28th 9AM - 1PM. All first-year students and safety officers are required to attend and...
The JST is hosting the 2nd Annual Mini Safety Day Thursday January 18 at 4PM in SCL 111 and broadcasted to West Campus Conference Center 218. Dr. Holland will be giving the...
Our next meeting will be Friday January 12, 2018 at 1PM in SCL 218 and West Campus Conference Center 214. We will be discussing the Mini Safety Day as well as updates of the...
Happy Hour:
See the new leadership here: