Dongyoung Kim Member dongyoung.kim@yale.edu |
DK was born in Seoul, South Korea and grew up in Beijing, China before coming to US. He received B.S. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he did undergraduate research under Prof. Fout. At Yale, he is currently a third year graduate student in Holland group. Outside of the lab, DK likes to think about interesting ideas to prank his friends and pranking them. He also thinks it’s fun to get drunk and loves Karaoke!
Stephanie Craig Secretary and SCL Liaison stephanie.craig@yale.edu |
Steph Craig is a graduate of the Johnson lab. Before completing her PhD at Yale, she finished her bachelor degrees in chemistry and math from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. At Yale, she worked on spectroscopic characterization of activated small molecules, hydrogen bonding in small hydronium-based networks and development of the lab’s custom tandem time of flight photofragmentation mass spectrometer. Outside of lab Steph loves spinning, rock climbing, baking, eating everything she bakes, and wine.
Aneta Turlik CRB Liaison and Social Committee Leader aneta.turlik@yale.edu |
Aneta is a graduate of the Newhouse group, where she worked on synthetic methodology and total synthesis. Outside of chemistry, she enjoys hiking and cooking.
Vinay Trivedi-Parmar President vinay.trivedi-parmar@yale.edu |
Vinay received his B.A. from Skidmore College where he studied tandem intramolecular Diels-Alder chemistry. He is a graduate of the Jorgensen Lab, where he synthesized small molecules for the treatment of inflammatory disease. In his spare time, he enjoys tucking into a good book and making pottery at the community art studio.
Jihye Jo Poster and Newsletter Committee jihye.jo@yale.edu |
Jihye is a graduate of the Patrick Loria lab and in the Richard Baxter lab, studying the structure of drosophila and malaria parasite immune proteins using solution NMR. In her spare time, she enjoys drinking coffee, baking, and foodgram-ing.
Benjamin Rudshteyn Safety Officer Liaison for SCL and Webmaster benjamin.rudshteyn@yale.edu Website |
Ben is a graduate of the Batista Lab, where he studied computational chemistry, applying it to problems in alternative energy, specifically carbon dioxide mitigation and water splitting using the tools of DFT, EHT, and simulated vibrational spectroscopy. Despite not doing experiments, he is passionate about lab safety, especially ergonomic safety. He acted as both the liaison for SCL as well as the webmaster. He received his B.S. in chemistry from Brooklyn College/CUNY/Macaulay Honors College in 2013. He acknowledges the financial support of the NSFGRFP program.
Suzanne Szewczyk Newsletter Editor suzanne.szewczyk@yale.edu |
Suzanne was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and grew up in rural PA. She attended Wilkes University working with Dr. Donald Mencer on Diels-Alder reactions and obtained her bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 2012. She then received her master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Scranton working under Dr. Michael Fennie on [3+2] dipolar cycloadditions in 2014. Outside of lab, Suzanne enjoys running, yoga, and cooking.
Ryan Holmes Newsletter Chair ryan.holmes@yale.edu |
Ryan Holmes graduate from with a PhD from the Herzon Lab in 2020. He received his B.S. from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Matthew Streeter Safety Officer Relations Project matthew.streeter@yale.edu |
Matt hails from Huntingtown, MD. As a member of the Spiegel Lab, he worked towards the synthesis of advanced glycation endproducts in order to help piece together their role in diabetic complications and aging. Outside of lab, Matt enjoys staying active by playing soccer, snowboarding, and hiking.
Julia Darcy Poster Committee julia.darcy@yale.edu |
Julia is a graduate of the Mayer lab, where she studied proton-coupled electron transfer in a variety of systems to gain fundamental insight into how PCET mechanisms affect biological systems. In her free time, she enjoys being outside, reading, and playing rugby.
Victor Beaumont victor.beaumont@yale.edu |
Victor is a previous JST president. Victor completed his Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry and medicinal chemistry at the State University of New York at Buffalo. His undergraduate research focused on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) pulse sequence development for large biomolecules under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Szyperski. Victor is a graduate of the Loria Lab, where he worked on resolving the correlation of enzyme kinetics with loop dynamics of related protein tyrosine phosphatases using NMR as the primary technique. He has been supported by the NIH Biophysical Training Grant (2014 – 2016).
Jacob Black Event Committee and Social Media Coordinator jacob.black@yale.edu |
Jake grew up in Littleton, Colorado on the edge of the great Rocky Mountains. Opting to leave this virtual paradise and explore the rest of the country, Jake attended Villanova University just outside Philadelphia, PA. While there he discovered his passion for chemistry and conducted research under the tutelage of Professor Kevin P. C. Minbiole, synthesizing antibacterial amphiphiles. At Yale, Jake joined the lab of Professor Ziad Ganim and now works on the development of new optical tweezers methods for performing single molecule infrared spectroscopy on transition metal catalysts. While not pondering the mysteries of the natural world, Jake enjoys the great outdoors, drinking beer, regretting not going to the gym, not regretting playing video games, pseudointellectual philosophical discussion, and buying new books to really fill out his bookshelf.
Herman Nikolayevskiy herman.nikolayevskiy@yale.edu |
BE, 2011, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Herman was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan during the collapse of the Soviet regime. Escaping with his family to America allowed him to pursue his passion for science and math at the Bronx High School of Science. At the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, Herman studied chemical engineering. As an escape from the mathematics of his degree, Herman took interest in Organic Chemistry, working under Professor Ruben Savizky on benzyl guanidine analogs as inhibitors of the Tat-TAR interaction in HIV-1. Upon graduation, Herman decided to pursue total synthesis under Professor Seth B. Herzon at Yale University. Besides chemistry, Herman enjoys traveling, foreign foods and soccer. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at NIDDK/NIH.
Ana Newton, Ph.D. President Emeritus ana.newton@yale.edu Website |
Ana S. Newton, Ph.D. was a postdoctoral researcher at the Jorgensen Lab in the Department of Chemistry at Yale University., where she developed small inhibitors to treat cancer and HIV using both computational and synthetic skills. She lead two collaborative research projects to design potent small molecule inhibitors of DNMT3B, a protein whose inhibition has been shown to reduce or eliminate cancer growth, and CXCR4, a G-protein-coupled receptor associated with HIV. Dr. Newton holds a Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry and a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Lisbon.
Kathryn Krueger kathryn.krueger@yale.edu |
Katy is a graduate of Richard Baxter’s lab where she studied mosquito and fruit fly immune proteins. She enjoys being safe in lab and promoting JST events. In her spare time, she contra dances and makes ginger beer. She is currently research director of New Harvest.
Xiaoshen Ma Safety Officer Liaison for CRB Emeritus xiaoshen.ma@yale.edu |
Born and raised in Beijing, China, Xiaoshen received his undergraduate education at Peking University where he studied transition metal carbene chemistry under the mentorship of Professpr Jianbo Wang. After graduating, Xiaoshen pursued his PhD in chemistry at Yale. Xiaoshen served as an LSO liaison for the CRB building in the JST team. Aside from chemistry, Xiaoshen enjoys cooking, reading, and classical music.
Yueshen Wu West Campus Correspondant yueshen.wu@yale.edu |
Yueshen is 3rd year graduate student PhD candidate in the Hailang Group. He received is B.S. in Chemistry from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.