December 12, 2019
New executive board members!!!
- Jen Troiano (VP)
- Uri Tayvah (webmaster)
First Year Standardized Safety Training–Jan. 15, 2020
- Sarah: Make poster
- Jessica: Order food, print and hang posters, send email Stacey Watts
- Abi: Modify presentation–2x15-20 min discussions, encourage JST participation
Nov 14 Discussion Meeting Recap
- Idea: modules or posters in bathroom stalls
- Need to encourage higher attendance from a more diverse set of labs
- could possibly achieve this through inviting a lab to each meeting to choose a discussion topic and/or through offering food
- Make it more useful for safety officers–Prof. Caitlin Davis offered to contact her old lab’s safety office to see what they did in their monthly meetings
Newsletter Committee
- Could make a set of 24 and recycle them
- Should be made as often as possible (once per month minimum)
- December: Green Chemistry–Jessica
- January: Electrical Safety/Soldering–Anton
- Waste Facility flow chart–Maria-Elena
- Diazomethane module–Abi and DK
- Shared facilities–Jessica
- Aqua Regia module update–Abi
- Future topics: lasers, BSL2 info
- Mini-posters for above work stations focusing on one key point instead of broad actions
- Condensed/Updated safety sheet
Mini Safety Day
- Who: Dr. Jack Caravanos
- Topic: Birth of OSHA/regulations in US–Why do we actually need regulations on our labs?
- When: March 13, 2020
- Refreshments: Coffee and cookies paid for by EHS
JST Safety board as a repository for modules/posters etc. to be grabbed by passers-by for main AND west campus. Jessica will ask facilities where we could possibly have this.
November 14, 2019
Waste Disposal Tour–Noreen, Sarah, Maria-Elena
- Flow chart of what happens to your waste
- EHS technicians are exposed to waste streams
- EPA controls waste handling
- Permanent poster near satellite accumulation areas
- Could potentially add in a feature to the new chemical inventory system that alerts you to special waste requirements of compounds
Social Media
- Modify/adapt modules to fit for Instagram in a visual graphic
- Put more educational graphics on TVs around the department
- How do we get more people to engage with our social media?
- Follow JST on Instragram as a way to get a drink at happy hours
LinkedIn page for Yale JST
- Incorporating safety into professional development
- Can add it as a job, can be endorsed as Safety Leadership, Safety Officer, etc.
Inventory system: link near misses to purchasing chemicals
February for mini safety day–speaker suggestions?
- EHS could pay for external speaker
Standardized Safety training–January 15–posters should go up before break, as well as reminder email.
March 26, 2019
Safety Moment: Asphyxiation Hazards (Suzanne)
- Need to recruit new members to full empty spots
- Recruitment event: social hour or BBQ
- Friday May 24th
- Check that it isn’t overlapping with any other departmental events
- Reach out to alumni for testimonials on how JST helped with job searches
- DK will be asking for volunteers to help out with event
- Encourage faculty to promote new students to join JST (email by Suzanne)
- Encourage students on social media
- Cyanide module online (Abi)
- Future Module: Hg (Abi)
- Future Poster
- Solid waste handling (Maria-Elena, DK, and EHS)
- Ozonolysis (Miller Group)
- Visiting Day: Victor and DK
- ACS New Haven meeting April 13: Victor and DK
Climate and Diversity Committee joint event: still waiting on CDC to finalize logistics (Suzanne)
Near Miss Report System
- QR Code Magnets to be given out at luncheon
- Resolving issues with system
- Advertize on Facebook and Instragram
Safety Officer Luncheon
- Friday April 12th
- Potential Locations: SCL 253
- Food: Nica’s sandwiches
- EHS attendees: Anna will contact reps
- Discuss hurttles that safety officers encounter, what JST and EHS can provide
- Survey to be sent out before luncheon to get topic ideas (Maria-Elena): done by Friday
Newsletter Committee: first sent out
Safety Night Buddy
- Comprehensive list from EHS of protocol of working in the lab alone to be sent out next year
- List broken down by level of risk
- Discuss with safety officers at luncheon
Safety Day Town Hall: to be discussed next meeting
- First week in June
- Advertize near miss reporting
Safety Day: Augst 27th
Safety Award
- Not supproted by Dr. Miller
- Cannot predict accidents and cannot always prevent an accident
- Logistically difficult
February 21, 2019
Updates from Meeting with Dr. Miller
- Surveying faculty who mandate safety moments/scenarios in their groups
- Will ask future speakers from Yale and coming to Yale to give a short safety moment (~3 min) before their talk
- Borrowing system
- Imporper inventory and mishandling of hazardous and toxic substances is a safety hazard
- Need a standardized way to borrow chemicals from labs
- Ask postdocs and other people from other institutions to survey problem and alternative solutions
- Might be able to use CisPro: special notes to indicate where containers are
Safety Moment on Lecture Bottles (Suzanne)
Social Committee
- Continue to engage with community within and without Yale
- Incorporate more safety scenarios for more engagement
- Safety Moments/scenarios posted for What Would You Do Wednesday (WWYDW)
- Peroxide forming chemicals poster is up (Maria-Elena)
- January Poster (Disposing of old chemicals) still being completed (DK)
- February Module on Cyanides (Abi) is ready to go online
- March Poster on Safety Pictograms in final edits (DK, Maria-Elena, Victor)
- Future Poster Ideas:
- Borrowing Chemicals System on CisPro
- Ozonolysis: ask students from Miller group to complete
- Hg Module (Abi)
- Presenting JST Poster at Visiting Day March 7 and 28 and ACS New Haven April 13 (Victor + Volunteer)
Joint Event with Climate and Diversity Committee for self-defense and happy hour: still being organized - no major updates
QR Code Magnets: should be arriving end of February/early March
Newsletter Committee
- Current newsletter template seems functional: requesting any feedback
- 2 articles to be published in upcoming issue
- Looking for volunteers for upcoming issues
Safety Officer Lucheon
- Proposed date: April 12th at noon 12PM
- Location TBA: Jessica
- Food: DK
- Discussion points: Maria-Elena, Suzanne, Victor
- Advertisement: Social Committee (Sarah, Victor, Noreen)
Jst Presentation at ACS Meeting
- March 7th 3-4PM in CRB 202
- Collaborate with EHS
Safety Day Town Hall
- Date: early June proposed
- Structure: Volunteer needed
- Data to be presented
- # of Near Miss Reports in 2018-2019
- # groups mandating safety moments/scenarios
- Survey from Standardized Safety Training
- Survey from Alexion Trip
- Annual Surveys results
- Survey from Safety Day 2018
- # of posters and modules provided by JST (should do survey to gauge department’s opinion)
- Result of Mini-Safety Day 2019 at West Campus (# of attendees, discipline of attendees, discussions)
- Standardizing Chemical Borrowing system
- Discussion Points: Victor
- Safety Night Buddy (Suzanne): emailed Kathleen King and will be meeting with Anna Kim
- Safety Day/Social
- Proposed Day: August 27, 2019
- Communicate with Stacey Watts to reserve time during Orientation Schedule
- Outline and resources from last year to be added to Box (Victor)
January 22, 2019
Fill out poll sent out by Jessica for new meeting time
Safety Moment Presented: Aqua Regia (can be found on JST Website as module and safety moment)
Near Miss Comics: feedback goes to Victor
- Use correct terminology in comments when posting on social media
- Link to near miss report
- Follow ChemJobber on Twitter
- Send memes to Social Committee (Noreen, Sarah, Victor)
- Have posters reviewed by faculty
- Ask faculty to ask students to collaborate with JST to make posters
- Peroxide forming chemicals printed and being distributed (Maria-Elena)
- Module of titrations of chemicals in progress (Aneta)
- Poster on disposing old chemicals in progress (DK, Suzanne)
- Mini-posters to post on social media
- Send gas-cylinder poster to West Campus correspondants
Future Events
- Alexion Tour
- 1 Spot left
- Self-Defense + Happy Hour with Climate and Diversity Committee
- More information to come
Mini-Safety Day Ideas
- 2019 Event went well
- Location at West Campus might be good since Safety Day is on Science Hill
- Not enough safety components
- Safety games/questionaire
- JST/Faculty/EHS Panel
- Safety Scenario Bingo
Standardized Safety Training Survey Results
- Mostly 1st years and safety officers
- Most enjoyed the event
- Most enjoyed the discussion and scenarios
- Wanted more time for discussion and scenario
- No one likes the current online training
- Event was just long enough
- Most everyone found at least one thing useful
- Liked the videos
- Need to target more safety officers
- Send email to first years about resources from event that are online
- More info on who is a safety officer in each lab
- Future topics:
- How to talk to violators?
- Sub-disciplines
- Cleaning
- Flammables
- Dirty vs clean waste
QR Code Magnets
- Design completed: add red border
- To be ordered soon
- New Near Miss Poster with QR code
- To be posted in the teaching labs
Newsletter Committee
- February newsletter
- Social Committee to help
- Need more members
Future Safety Ideas
- Safety Day Social: social after the Safety Day Event
- Safety Officer Lucheon:
- Discussion about how JST can help safety officers, how safety officers can help each other
- Standardized safety training
- Faculty involvement
- Resources that are available
- More EHS people in attendance, possibly from different departments
- Ideas from Scott
- More faculty involvment
- Posters on entrance TVs
- Industry contacts to collaborate with JST
- Contact other universities to help build other JSTs
- Will finance a day trip
- ACS Meeting Talk (Jessica)
- Will give a practice talk soon
- Safety Award
- 3 different safety inspections
- Working late at night
- App to set up a buddy system to have others check in on lone workers
- Google docs where people sign in
- Contact Yale Police to incorporate something in LiveSafe app
- Need to incorporate faculty in discussion
- Chemical Lab and Safety Committee currently working on this issue, need to join conversation
December 4, 2018
- Social Committee has completed the first comic strip of “Near Miss Comics” - Please send any feedback to Victor Beaumont
- December poster: Peroxide forming chemicals (Maria-Elena)
- Going through final edits and will be posted soon
- December Module: titrations of chemicals module (Aneta)
- Forwarded information table to JST from lab
- Still needs to consolidate information to a single page
- Potential poster for January: disposing of old chemicals
- February module: Cyanides (Abi)
- March Module: Safety Pictograms (DK, Maria-Elena, Victor)
- Future Poster ideas:
- P-listed chemicals: simplified list to be distributed to department or incorporated in safety training, website
- Simplifying old posters
Mini-Safety Day
- January 11, 2019 @ 4PM
- Happy Hour @ 5PM
- Building 800 Conference Center
- Gary Brudvig will give talk (title TBD)
- Flyer to be completed before winter break (Suzanne)
- Set up time to meet for bus by Piersen Sage Parking to go to West Campus
- Set up Facebook event and Google RSVP for potential headcount(Victor)
- Sign up sheet for jobs distributed to JST members:
- Setup: DK, Suzanne
- Clean up: Maria-Elena, Jenn, Josie
- A/V: Sarah
- Transportation manager: Victor
- Transportation maps/sign: Josh
- Corporate sponsor: TBA
- Invite Scott Strobel (Jessic and Kim)
Standardized Safety Training
- Presentation completed by Suzanne
- Practice run: Friday 12/08 @ 10:30 in CRB 202
- Event: Wednesday 12/12 @ 11:30 in CRB 202
- Mandatory for 1st years, encouraged for safety officers
- Dr. Miller as an observant for practice run
- Departmental email and departmental newsletter (Jessica)
- Certificate of attendance to distribute (Victor)
QR Code Magnets
- $133 for 300 2” x 2”
- “Yale JST Near Miss Report” and QR code to near miss reporting url
- Victor: forward near miss reports to leadership to update website
- Update near miss reporting poster with larger QR code
No updates on corporate sponsors
Joint event with Climate and Diversity Committee for self-defense and happy hour
Newsletter letter committee
- Template was lost during transfer to new messaging system
- Suzanne and Jessica to work on getting template (new or recovered)
- Contact Lisa Thomas or Stacy Watts
Meeting with Scott planned with leadership
- Faculty to attend meeting
- Town hall meeting to talk about safety concerns
- Start meeting with safety moments
Safe Lab Stickers: Jessica has stickers
Octorber 30, 2018
- Secretary and Treasurer Positions were not filled
- Victor will be serving as secretary until position is filled
- We also need to find liaison for SCL (see if a SCL safety officer is interested?)
- November: Peroxide forming Chemicals- Maria-Elena
- January: Disposal of old chemicals -DK and Suzanne
- Other ideas:
- Poster about safety pictograms
- We could revisit old posters and make them simpler
- Next Modules:
- Dec-Titration of chemicals-Aneta (module based on their Lab’s table)
- Feb-Cyanides-Abi
West Campus Tour and Social Hour-follow up
- 8-9 people attended the tour
- Social hour had better success
- Organizers were pleased with outcome and think we should do it in the future
Social Committee
- Acknowledged the great performance of the group
- Current handling of our social media pages:
- Facebook/LinkedIn: Victor
- People can add JST as job in LinkedIn to show up in the JST page
- Twitter: Noreen
- Instagram: Sarah
- Facebook/LinkedIn: Victor
- Facebook and LinkedIn pages keep a more professional style whereas Twitter & Instagram a more satiric style
- Social committee idea to create different personas based on different types/levels of safety awareness
Safety training
- Ideas to improve the standardized safety training:
- Specific training according to sub-discipline?
- Mini town hall meetings for each sub-discipline?
- Target audience: all students, but mostly first-year students
- Mandating Safety Day to all students?
- Safety Officer Checks
- Organize a safety event: gather JST members and safety officers in a room.
- Activities/material for discussion in the meeting:
- Questions
- Safety Issues
- Common safety practices
- Proper waste disposal
- Watch videos for safety topics
- Try to organize the event in December
- Shoot mini-videos on safety topics:
- Rent a video recorder from Medical school
- Suzanne, Victor and Maria-Elena will work on this
- Ideas related to safety training @ Safety Day:
- Make attendance mandatory for all students?
- Organize sections dedicated to sub-disciplines?
- Ideas related to safety training @Townhall meeting:
- PowerPoint presentation of safety topics (general/ by sub-discipline)
Safe research lab prize
- Give separate prize for West Campus
- Meet with our faculty advisor (Scott Miller)
- Discuss the possibility of getting more involvement from faculty.
- The idea:
- get professors to tour the labs (once per year)
- grade them (1-10 scale) according to a rubric and/or ask people questions related to safety issues.
- We can also reward the labs with best safety initiatives (turn the award in a safety-contest-like style)
- The issue can also be brought up in the faculty meetings
- How much time will that require from professors’ busy schedule and how can we minimize it?
- Alternative options:
- Evaluation of labs only from EHS (level above Professors and JST, can give more authority to the prize)
- Evaluation of labs from JST members- e.g. liaisons
- Have professors from other sub-disciplines score labs from other sub-disciplines to alleviate time commitment
- Trophy
- Sculpture or JST mascot - commision Daryl?
- Plaque outside the Professor’s office - Engraved squares at bottom
- Will the award be rounding from year to year?
- Free donuts or food as celebration for award recipients
Near-miss report system
- Magnet/laminated: no further progress
- Jessica can have a look at that/help Victor
Mini-Safety Day
- Will be organized at West Campus this year
- Track responsibilities with excel file
- Dates: Beginning of January would be a good time, Fridays are ideal for people to attend
- Friday 11th suggested as optimal day, next January 18th
- Chris will take care of the planning
- Kim will take care of the event’s logistics
- Event’s Structure:
- Talk 4-5pm
- Networking/Happy hour 5pm+
- Lab tours were not very successful in the past, so we could plan a networking/happy hour instead
- This will mainly be planned by west campus organizers with JST as cosponsor.
- Suggested Speakers:
- Jason Crawford
- Sarah Slavoff
- Hailiang Wang
- Craig Crews
- Judy Cha
- Matthew Simon
- Gary Brudvig
- Scott Strobel
- DK will prepare the poll for the speakers
- Transportation:
- Book a bus to West Campus and back,specific for the event?
- Car-pooling?
- Last bus leaves from West Campus to Main Campus around 8pm (after that time people can call the shuttle service)
- Flyers: Suzanne will prepare the flyers
- Attendance: Estimation of 30 attendees
- Ideas:
- Create a facebook event and get a better idea how many people areplanning to come
- Event pre-registration
- Food:
- Can be provided by West Campus
- Sandwitches/pretzels (suggested by Kim)
- Also discussed:
- Suggestion for having coffee & cookies during the talk and food at the happy hour
- Possible to have leftover alcohol from happy hour-utilize that in safety day or else?
Departmental Poll:
- Prepared by Professor Holland; we need to send him our JST/safety-related questions
- Keep the question “How safety conscious do you believe your lab is?” to help us have reference with previous years and see our progress
June 18, 2018
Next Meeting: Mon July 16th 4PM in CRB 202 (West Campus location TBD)
Safety Modules
- Victor completed azides module; must make changes suggested by members and publish on website
- Maria-Elena volunteered to complete module and poster on peroxides
Corporate Sponsor
- Discussed differences between model of Alexion EHS and JST
- JST needs to collaborate more the Yale EHS to encourage faculty to be more involved/aware of safety practices
- Victor should meet with provost and University Safety Committee for more support
- Alexion publishes near miss reports with authors’ names; should the JST do this too?
- JST is split on this decision
- Some want to collect contact information to incentivise posting and give helpful feedback
- Others believe it will discourage students from reporting and that students appreciate the complete anonymity
- Compromise: try to implement anonymous feedback email to poster after JST has commented and published report
- Daria will contact IT to see if they can implement this new feature
- DK will write up an FAQs page for the new system to describe how the system is used
West Campus Labs Tour
- July 20th at 3:30 PM - 4:30PM Building 800 West Campus
- Yueshen will make flyer for event
- Victor will determine best time and location to take the shuttle
- Victor will add event to Chemistry Newsletter
- Anna will escort late arrivers to meet up with tour
Safety Day
- Event will be August 28th 9AM - 1 PM
- Breakfast at 9AM; lunch at noon
- People who signed up for booths are responsible for updating handouts and preparing any additional resources
- Pyrophorics: DK and Aneta
- Contamination: Maria-Elena
- Bench/hood maintenance: Daria
- Emergency Response: Suzanne and Qixuan
- JST: Yueshen and Noreen
- Near miss report system: Jennifer and Jessica
- TechAir agreed to do the gas cylinder training
- Fire Marshalls will do the fire extinguisher training
- Noreen will prepare a poster for the event
May 16, 2018
Recap of ACS Regional Symposium
- Great feedback from other attendees on poster and talk
- Poster won award!
- Next year at Yale
- May need to send more members
- Present poster again next year
West Campus Activities
- Kim Heard: EHS contact for West Campus
- Ideas for future events
- Happy Hour
- Safety Officer Networking
- Yueshen to plan happy hour and lab tour over the summer
- Possible funding for student events available from graduate student organization
Modules for Standardized Safety Training
- Suzanne: add module template to Box folder
- Aneta: completed module for OsO4
- Next module: azides to be complete by Victor
Safe Place Stickers
- Suzanne continuing drafting of the sticker
- Laminated card instead of sticker that will be posted on bulliten boards near lab space
Near Miss Report System
- Start importing near miss reports into the new system
- Daria will lead this project with the help of Maria-Elena
Alexion Sponsorship
- Plan for 1st meeting the EHS reps from Alexion
- Plan for field trip around the 2nd week of July
Safety Day 2018
- Potential Dates: August 27th or 28th (needs to be confirmed with administrative office)
- Perhaps need to add Biosafety to demonstrations
- Ask Jihye to take candid pictures during event
- Lunch ticket after visiting 3 booths
- $100 Amazon gift card for a completed Passport
- West Campus Safety Day
- Create poll to get an idea of the interest for this event
- Possible funding from EHS and/or graduate student committee on West Campus
- Kim Heard and Yueshen to lead organization of event
- Possible shuttle from West Campus instead
Budget Items before expiration
- T-shirts for JST board members to wear at Safety Day
- Travel expenses for members going to ACS meeting in August
- Safety Day Prizes
Next meeting will be decided after members complete poll to determine new meeting day/time
April 18, 2018
Standardized Safety Training
- Keys - Entrance interview for new safety officers with old safety officer, annual meeting with SO’s and JST/EHS, post SO names outside of each lab
- Basic training will still be run by EHS (online training), with semi-annual training for SO with EHS and JST
- The PI’s are concerned about liability issues for the SO’s
- Add something in SO training about how to interact with your PI, open communication
- Discuss with your PI what should be directly reported to the PI vs what the SO can handle
- The JST could work on a loose rubric to help guide this conversation
- Safety Modules - we’ll keep adding modules on to our website as they get made, could also add them to the new near miss reporting site
- Maybe start recycling posters or pausing on the monthly posters and focus on a monthly module/procedure instead
- Also place the modules in a binder/online binder
- Might get each lab a small binder so they could print modules they like and accumulate them for their lab
- Aneta will work on a OsO4 module and Suzanne will put the list of topics we want to cover/have covered online (ie aquaregia, piranha)
Safe Place Stickers
- Suzanne worked on some example stickers
- Maybe laminate them so they’re easy to sign with an erasable marker and attach a window sticker so they could go outside of the labs
- Make sure to get the stickers approved by EHS and the faculty safety committee
Near Miss Reporting Website
- The website is up and in development mode!
- Victor will check out the development mode/how to log on and send it out to the executive board so we can all check it
- Soon can start moving the old NMR’s to the new system
- Possible Launch Day - Safety Day!
- We can have an interactive demo about how to use the new reporting system at safety day
- UMN and UNC built a website with a bunch of detailed standard operating procedures with resources (
Corporate Sponsor - Alexion
- Alexion agreed to be our corporate sponsor! They want to have a chat about what this collaboration will entail
- Information and standards sharing, a safety talk by Alexion, our annual field trip
- What do we give them in return?
- Invite them to do some recruitment here or give a talk about the common errors new graduates make when they start in industry, or get their ideas (Vinay and Suzanne will compile a list and then we can get the list to Alexion ASAP)
- Vinay and Maria-Elena will look at dates for the field trip to Alexion (July?) and Anna Kim will reach out to Alexion as well
- Keep communications open with BI as well, invite them to safety day also and give them the recruitment option too
Social Media Committee
- Victor will set up meetings with the team to get “Tip Tuesday” and “Fun Fact Friday” working on social media
ACS Symposium
- The chem department wants estimates for travel for the two ACS conferences
- Uber/Lyft rates to QU - $40/total
- Amtrak to Boston - $100/person
- EHS could cover Amtrak if the department can’t
Safety Day 2018
- Keep all old programming from the previous year
- New programming - stickers, binders, NMR interactive demo, candid photos (Jihye?)
- Pyrophorics demo - could use a color change inorganic compound to show introduction of air - DK will look into this
- Make sure the fire extinguisher demo has strong advertisement and have the timed sign ups again
- Anna Kim will look into talking to TechAir to see if they want to come to do gas cylinder demos at safety day
- Rough times - Start at 10, Have lunch at 12, End around 2
- To get lunch, we can make it that you have to go to the NMR interactive demo and get a token or ticket for pizza
- Get badges for volunteers so they can also get pizza
- Have the NMR table in a room with a projector so it’s easy to see
- Have a whole collaborations table with BI, Alexion, AirGas, TechAir etc
- Victor will contact the DGS to figure out what dates we can do safety day
Lab Safety Committee
- There is a faculty led university wide committee organized by EHS and chaired by Ronald Breaker (invite him to safety day?)
- Ana went to one of their meetings and they were excited about JST and starting JST’s in other departments
- Chem JST could serve as an example
- They’re excited to help and possibly push our funding?
- We could show them or some of them the presentation that we’re working on for the ACS meeting
March 14, 2018
Faculty and Safety Officer Initiatives
- Thoughts on the safety pledges for the professors and SO’s
- Does it cross the line into enforcement/patronizing?
- Want something that is more of a symbolic gesture
- Would force students to know who their SO is
- Does it open the SO up to liability?
- Maybe do something instead like the “safe space” or “you are welcome here” stickers for the faculty to put outside offices or labs (“I’m committed to safety”?)
- Make this part of safety day, maybe something where you can opt in to sign something or pick up stickers
- Also have stickers made at safety day with SO faces on them to post outside the labs so everyone knows who the SO is
- Suzanne will work on sticker design
- Feedback from SO lunch:
- SO want annual SO training
- Develop training that is specific for the disciplines
- Produce SOP modules or videos for less common procedures
- Tape demos from safety day or find good ones and link them
- Victor and Suzanne will work on outlining how the training modules will look
Visiting Day Feedback
- There were a few mentions/questions about safety on the panels
- Try to keep JST folk on each disciplines panels
- The JST poster had engagement from prospective students, grad students and professors
ACS Regional Symposium
- Victor’s outline is good - try to keep it general and mention other JSTs at other universities
- Daria, Suzanne and Jessica will let us know when they want to give a practice talk
- Transportation - probably just take an Uber to QU (~$20?)
- For the talk it would be good to have better indicators for improvement (reporting?)
- Anna will forward the answers from the EHS survey
- What if the JST puts out its own survey that is based more on awareness questions?
- Daria, Suzanne, Jessica and Aneta will work on some questions
- Yale uses Qualtrics as a survey tool - easy to track and group folks
- Incentivize the survey, something like entering to win a group ice cream party if 90% of the lab responds
Boston Graduate Student Safety Workshop
- Victor will see if Seth can push the department to cover the transportation costs up and back from Boston (~$80/person)
Monthly Poster - Instrumentation Safety
- Comments are being added to March poster
- April poster - ergonomics for computational chemists
- Can also post the posters in the computer labs
- Jessica and Maria Elena will work on it
- May poster - mental health in graduate school
- Victor will contact student wellness/mental health for additional information
- Victor and Aneta will work on the poster
Safety Moments
- Starting to build up the archive and have the template on the website
- The safety moments need to be easier to find on the website
- Maybe reorganize the website (Jessica?)
- Have a side bar with quick links (safety moments, near miss reporting etc.)
- Still waiting on Alexion about being corporate sponsor/field trip
- Social media is doing well
- Maybe start implementing “Fun Fact Friday” and “Tip Tuesday” to constantly churn stuff out to raise awareness
- Victor, Aneta and Marie will work on implementing these (can use info from old newsletters/posters)
- Victor will bring the status report to the faculty meeting this month
February 14, 2018
Herzon – Wants JST rep to attend university safety committee
Mini Safety Day:
Attendance on walkthroughs small -Remove for next year?
Room full, not enough seats.
Faculty Involvement:
Herzon -Busy but no other faculty stepping up so Herzon will continue this year
-Faculty want to look at near misses during faculty meetings
Departmental Safety Committee current list accurate
Communication – chair/DGS meeting to discuss semi-annual, department message containing resources semi-annual, seth -monthly
Send Seth monthly minutes
Standardized safety training for S.O.s -currently lab specific (highly-varied)
Must be done with care to avoid S.O. liability
Need better definition of S.O. role from department
Work with EH&S to develop brochure/checklist and meeting with safety officers once a semester to review documents.
Docs being prepped per division
Suggest to faculty using a one year term per student S.O. per lab
Visiting Days:
Poster – hard(mini)copy passed around, edits noted.
Q&A Panel – JST representative on each visiting day panel 3/9 and 4/6
ACS Regional Symposium April 28
Oral Presentation – Not yet started, will draw from poster
Practice talk will occur
Statistics – EH&S can provide statistics for poster / talk
Make sure to register
Graduate Student Safety Workshop at ACS
Attendees Aneta, Maria
Registration fee/mega bus cost possibly covered
Safety Poster Committee
March Poster – Laser, electronic, and instrument safety
Draft next meeting
Near Miss Report:
Current website still up
New website up by summer – working with IT
Schematic of system presented
Social Committee
Safety Tips Document
March 2 – Lunch with Safety Officers – what the safety officers need from JST
Get updated list of S.O.’s from Anna
Ask for rep from lab if S.O. not able to come
RSVP – get homecount
Checking if EH&S paying for food
See if west campus S.O.’s can come, if not separate meeting
Corporate Sponsor from New Haven
BI communication still open
Alexian Pharmaceuticals – Field trip this summer?
Anna contact about opportunities, cc outreach team
Head of compliance?
Interview Rep?
Thermo-Fischer as corporate contact for Near-Misses
Next Meeting – Wednesday March 14th @ 4 PM
January 12, 2018
ACS Involvement
- There will be a conference at Quinnipiac University on Saturday, April 28th open to undergraduates and now also graduate students
- Expect students from UNH, Quinninpiac, Southern Connecticut, some local colleges
- No fee involved, and breakfast and lunch will be provided
- Try to get the Yale JST involved
- Have a poster (and hopefully an oral presentation) about who the JST is, what we do, and what we have accomplished so far
- Daria, Suzanne and Jessica will look into preparing for this
- Ana will send out an email with more information
West Campus Presence
- Keep going with the constant reminders of advertising!
Mini Safety Day
- Steph will order pizzas from Dominos to be delivered at 3:30
- Walkthrough prep:
- Organic - Suzanne and Vinay have it covered
- Inorganic - Julia and DK have it covered
- Physical/General - Steph and Victor will present in the room right after Pat’s talk, also easy to incorporate the WC folks
- Flyers and advertisements are up
- Aneta will put up advertisements on Twitter, Victor will put it up on Facebook and send the group the post, Ben will put the event on the JST site
- Victor will talk to the main office about sending out emails about mini safety day and the walkthroughs to the first years
- Yueshen has already booked a room on West Campus and will make sure it is on the WC newsletter
- Set-up crew (meet at 3:30): Vinay, Maria-Elena, Steph, Victor and Aneta
- Clean-up crew: Steph and Victor
Faculty Involvement
- Anna Kim wants a stronger faculty involvement
- JST –> faculty –> their labs
- Seth has agreed to be the JST faculty sponsor
- Has agreed to OK signing off on the comments on the near misses
- Plan for faculty involvement - Project Updates / Accomplishments / Initiatives
- Semi-annual meeting with the DGS/faculty advocates/department chair
- Quarterly updates to all faculty
- Monthly highlights to Seth
- If there is another town hall-type discussion after the grad student survey, it would be good to see if the JST can get 10 minutes at the end to talk about our initiatives
- Disseminate information and near miss reports with the safety officers or representative from each lab at a JST dinner, providing our budget is OK
- Have the JST get involved in the visiting students days (March 8-9, April 5-6)
- Possible ideas:
- Have a poster for the JST (same as the ACS one?) - Suzanne, Daria and Jessica will look into having a draft by late February
- Have a sticker/banner on JST members’ posters with something like “Ask Me About the JST!”
- Try to get a JST member on the grad student panel
- Victor will contact the main office to see if maybe we can do the leg work to assemble the panels
Grad Student Survey
- The near miss reporting site is getting closer to being finished
- Have an example of a near miss report on the front page/on a side bar when you’re filling it out to encourage good reporting
- Templates for safety moments getting closer to being finished
- Suzanne made the carcinogens poster - shoot her any edits by Friday, January 19
- Have a physical storage/inventory space (SCL1B?)
- Victor will put a digital copy of the inventory in the box
Next Meeting
- Victor will send out a google survey about times for the JST meetings once the TA assignments are out
- Shoot for a meeting sometime on the week of February 12-16
December 8, 2017
West Campus Presence of JST
- We have two new WC attendees! They came because of advertising on the WC newsletter and the posters displayed on the TVs
- WC will continue to spread the word of JST via the same advertising and word of mouth
- We will work on having better telecom meetings
- Smaller rooms, sit closer to the mic?
Mini Safety Day
- Pat Holland will be the the speaker
- SCL 111 is reserved for his talk on THURSDAY JANUARY 18 AT 4 PM
- Will have the talk at WC via video conference
- Pat will get us a picture and abstract for his talk by early January or late December
- The talk will be about 40-45 minutes and will be followed by lab walk throughs for about 30 minutes
- Suzanne will check to see if the script she used last year is in the Box
- DK and Steph will make similar scripts or google docs so that they can prep for the walk throughs
- Plan to have these done before the next meeting
- Suzanne will make the flyers once she has the picture/abstract from Pat
- Will send posters out to WC once they are ready so WC committee can distribute them
- Steph will get an estimate on pizza and soda for ~30 people from Dominos by the next meeting
Grad Student Survey
- Q1 - Safety Moments
- Good feedback, still want to advocate for safety moments
- Julia and Suzanne will work on getting the safety moment template onto the JST site
- Will tackle this in the new year
- Plan on distributing these through social media, website, emails, attachment through newsletter?
- Q2 - Newsletter
- Yueshen will get the emails for the WC newsletters (to include non-chemistry) to Victor so he can get them to Ben to put on our pan list for the JST newsletter
- Yueshen will also get the emails of the new WC attendees to Victor so he can give them to Ben to put on our mailing list
- Q3 - Safety Officers
- Some room for improvement
- Have the JST provide the officers with more guidance and support
- Maybe suggest the officers implement a “group news” segment at the end of group meetings to broadly address safety issues
- Get more involvement from PIs
- Start a list of tips for the safety officers
- Suzanne, Vinay and Maria-Elena will work on this and we will go through it at the next meeting
- Some room for improvement
- Q4 - Posters
- In the future, stay away from memes on the posters - distribute them through social media only
- Start having the posters attached to the newsletter or directly linked to the newsletter
- Yueshen says that the posters are getting distributed around WC
- Start watermarking the posters and sending them out to labs via the safety officers so they can post the more relevant ones in the student offices - Victor will work on this
- Should have an updated list of the safety officers on the website
- Have some posters printed for the mini safety day for people to take
- Anna Kim will leave some of the posters in the stock room when she prints out the larger ones
- Suzanne will print out the “danger, contamination” posters on some thicker paper and distribute
- Q5 - Safety Conscious
- Good distribution of answers!
- Q6 - Near Miss Reporting
- Victor will contact Aneta about the physical box for drop off in the CBIC
- How to overcome the barrier to submission?
- Magnet QR codes for hoods - wait until the online system is up
- Continue blasting off ways to submit in newsletters etc
- Victor will print out some QR codes to the near miss reporting page and bring them to today’s happy hour, post them in the department
- Have some folks who are embarrassed about submitting, afraid that it isn’t totally anonymous
- Solicitation vs Encouragement
- How to overcome the stigma of submission?
- Maybe if you WITNESS a near miss, you could ask the person who had the near miss for permission to submit it and information about the situation
- Reiterate that this is a way to accumulate a database of incidents to prevent future accidents
- Have safety officers lead the way to admit they have used the reporting system
- Bump up the advertisement so that people have constant reminders
- Add a link to the regular chemistry department newsletter for weekly, constant reminder
- Add a direct link in the JST newsletter right next to the example near miss report
- Survey Remarks
- Try to get the PIs more involved
- Ask them to forward the QR codes, etc to have a minor involvement (with a low barrier) for PIs to support safety culture
- Faculty voting soon on adding a student representative to faculty meetings
- If it passes, either talk to the student representatives to push PI safety involvement or try to get a JST representative
- Victor will add the data from this years survey to the Box and compare it to last years answers
- In the future add an option for first years - ie “I am a first year without a lab” so to not skew some results
- Try to get the PIs more involved
- This month’s poster will be advertisement for Mini Safety Day
- Next month will be carcinogens - Suzanne will work on this
Near Miss Reporting Website
- Victor and Daria are still working with IT
- Authority to respond to near miss reports
- Anna Kim says there isn’t enough chemistry background knowledge for the EHS to always comment on near miss reports, but will comment whenever they feel comfortable
- Victor will see if we can reach out to the faculty safety committee to see if they could comment on the remaining near miss reports
Social Hour with the Professional Network Committee TODAY - GO TO IT!
If anyone has hard copies of posters etc that they want added to the JST Box or archived, drop it off to Victor in KCL 119
November 10, 2017
West Campus Presence of JST
- Highlight refreshments (ie pizza) on flyers and emails
- Pan the West Campus email list, once a week in advance and a reminder the day of
- Maybe get a microphone to improve sound on the teleconference
Mini Safety Day
- Shoot for a date in mid January (around first week of classes)
- Speaker - still waiting to hear back from Miller, consider Brudvig or Holland for backups
- Walkthroughs will happen again!
- Organic - Suzanne & Vinay
- Inorganic - DK & Julia
- Physical - Steph& Vic (no formal walkthrough)
- Communication Committee will consult with speaker and book the room (SCL 111?) for the talk
- Vinay will check with the speaker that it is ok if we teleconference the talk to West Campus
- Steph will organize the refreshments
- This year we will order pizza (~10) and ask the main office for the tea/coffee cart
- Suzanne will make the flyers for Mini Safety Day once we have a date/speaker
Near Miss Reporting
- The IT summary should be ready by the middle of next week
- Ideas to improve near miss reporting:
- QR magnets - wait until website is setup
- Aneta will talk to Eric about placing the physical box in the NMR room
- Put the actual forms on the JST Box so the liaisons can provide the forms directly to the safety officers
- Increase presence on West Campus by putting up the near miss reporting posters around (Suzanne will forward the posters to the West Campus Committee)
- Need to find a new way to curate the near miss reporting responses
- Check with Anna Kim to see if EHS can take on the responsibility of answering how to have avoided the near miss instead of the current professor checking off a box
- The November “Reactions Under Pressure” is complete
- December poster will be the Mini Safety Day flyer
- Also recycle the posters about working late/alone throughout December
- January poster - maybe “Carcinogens”
- Building liaisons will be in charge of distributing the posters throughout their respective buildings
Meme Winners
- Will try to keep the “blinding laser” meme that won the contest out of the department, but include it on social media
Social Committee
- At the first movie night, we had three people outside of the JST show up and got two comment cards
- Next movie night we should have pizza available
- Next possible social event could be a social hour some time in early December
- Open to all, but highly encouraged that the safety officers come so we can chat/hand out near miss reports/etc.
- Push social media presence at the social hour
- Vic and Noreen will spearhead this and contact Erin to make sure we have department support
Social Media
- Aneta will link the Twitter account to the Facebook page
- If you want any safety articles tweeted out, send them to Aneta!
- Vic will look into sprucing up our LinkedIn page
- Jihye will add Aneta as an admin to the Facebook page
- The JST has both a Facebook page and group (more members in the page, but we have more free range on the group) - brainstorm ways to improve/consolidate presence
Website and Newsletter
- Suzanne worked on adding information to the side banners of the website
- The newsletter does go out to the faculty (and some of them read/like it!)
- We have three new first years attending today’s meeting!
- They found that the announcement at Ethics Class and the emails were helpful reminders
Graduate Student Survey
- Pat Holland is about to (in the next few weeks - plan to send out around Thanksgiving break) send out another grad student survey and would like to include some questions written about the JST/safety culture
- Possible question topics:
- Newsletter - how many read it, how would you rate it, etc.
- Near miss question asked previously
- Safety conscious question asked previously
- Use of safety moments at group meetings
- How did you hear about JST, what JST social media do you follow
Safety Moments
- Suzanne and Julia will work on archiving, formatting and watermarking safety moments for the JST website
- Try to make them distributable via the website similar to the University of Minnesota
- Connecticut uses differential scanning calorimetry to determine if compounds are explosive, and at what temperatures they should be used
- Look into this to see if we can develop something similar or find a way to ship them safely
- Suzanne will create a GoogleDoc so we can list the safety officers for each lab
- Vic is working on an article for the newsletter on the LiveSafe App to get more information on this
October 13, 2017
New Positions
- President – Victor Beaumont
- Vice President – Suzanne Szewczyk
- Secretary – Steph Craig
- Treasurer – Daria Kim
- KCL Liaison – Dongyoung Kim (DK)
- SCL Liaison – Steph Craig
- CRB Liaison – Aneta Turlik
- Webmaster – Ben Rudshteyn
- Social/Outreach Committee – Aneta Turlik (and volunteers on a case-by-case basis)
- Poster/Graphics Committee – Jihye Jo, Dongyoung Kim, Julia Darcy, Suzanne Szewczyk
- Newsletter Committee – Suzanne Szewczyk, Victor Beaumont, Aneta Turlik, Daria Kim, Vinay Trivedi-Parmar
- Corporate/External Communication Committee – Vinay Trivedi-Parmar, Maria-Elena Liosi, Dongyoung Kim
- West Campus Committee – Yueshen Wu, Yiren Zhong
Poster Campaign
- Added fire extinguishers, carcinogens and peroxides to poster topics
- Near miss reporting or common incidents and how to avoid them?
- November Poster – Reactions Under Pressure
- DK and Julia
- Deadline November 3rd
- October newsletter to go out next week
- Include new liaisons, safety officers for each lab
- Try to set up newsletter to go out to faculty as well
- Make sure the list serve auto-updates to include new grad students
Near Miss Reporting
- Have building liaisons work directly with the safety officers for each lab to report near misses directly
- Set up the physical Near Miss Reporting box – possibly NMR room
- Check with IT about possibility with mobile version
- Can have a QR code to access reporting from smart phone
Emails and Social Media
- Update grad students, postdocs and faculty about new JST liaisons with a blast email, in our newsletter and on website
- Blast email will go out once IT has the new Near Miss Reporting website live
- Set up a Twitter account (Aenta)
- Can use to tweet out new liaisons, safety scenarios, links to sources used when creating content for the newsletter
- Corporate Communications Committee will try to get a list of the JST liaisons out to include in the department newsletter
Safety Day
- Need to distribute prizes – give a prize to everyone who took a photo (27) and to the top five meme winners
- Keep remaining (63) for prizes for Safety Day 2018
- Save the IG-style safety day pictures for advertising for 2018 and put some up on the JST website
Recurring Projects
- Department Safety Day Talk
- Corporate Communications Committee will reach out to Scott Miller to see if he is interested in giving safety lecture
- Shoot for the talk to be in early January (work around his schedule)
- Once he’s locked down, we can make posters for the event
- Meetings with Safety Officers
- Have one floor representative talk to the safety officers of that lab near miss reporting
- KCL1 - Jihye
- KCL2 - DK
- CRB1 - Matt
- CRB2 - Aneta
- CRB3 - Vinay
- SCL - Steph
- Have one floor representative talk to the safety officers of that lab near miss reporting
- Safety Moments
- Speakers could give a one slide/2 minute safety moment talk at the beginning of each departmental seminar
- Victor will try to talk to Gary Brudvig for support/approval
- Have the safety liaisons try to schedule meetings with their buildings (by floor?) to discuss near miss reporting and to compile safety moments they may have used or discussed in their group meetings
- Julia and DK will compile and format them similarly to make them accessible, maybe make a template
- Branch out to Safety Scenarios
- Hypothetical five minute scenarios about a safety situation and how people would handle them
- Suzanne has some from Safety Day
- Would make fun “what would you do” tweets
- Keep in mind ideas for the Summer Field Trip
- Victor and Suzanne will try to recruit first years by going to Parr’s Ethics Class
- Networking
- Try to set up a JST network with ACS, other universities in the area, through what Minnesota is trying to set up
- Have JST meetings accessible via web cam for West Campus
- Speakers could give a one slide/2 minute safety moment talk at the beginning of each departmental seminar
August 1, 2017
News Updates
- IT started working on near miss reporting and will update JST accordingly
- Vinay’s term as president will end at the end of August
- JST will need a new president for the next year
- Need to meet to get a newsletter out for August
- Should address what is expected from students on Safety Day
Safety Day
- Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) will have event for 1st years August 29th 10AM - Noon
- Safety Day Event 11 AM - 1:30 PM
- Lunch (~$1300)
- Paid for mostly by EHS
- Paid partly by JST and CTL
- Order should be placed a week in advance
- Vinay will contact EHS and CTL financial representatives for ordering
- Fire Marshals will be there 10AM - Noon
- Contact for handouts to include in registration folder
- Registration
- Online registration to encourage attendance
- Send email for registrations August 14
- Link for online training (lab safety training and fire safety)
- Spaces
- AirGas will be there 11AM - 1:30PM
- Will have a separate room with projector
- 15 minute talks
- Contact for handouts to include in registration folder
- Main organic labs will hold most demonstrations
- Need destroyed equipment of demonstrations (blast shield, dewar, …)
- Need gloves (S, M, L) for contamination station
- Contact Daria for any purchases by August 4th
- Daria will purchase folders for registration materials
- All JST members should send Jihye meme templates for JST table
- Send Victor any pictures demonstrating violations of contamination policy
- JST members should ask for volunteers to do a pyrophorics demonstration
- AirGas will be there 11AM - 1:30PM
- Promotional Poster (Matt)
- Coordinate with newsletter committee for congruent marketing
- Address what is expected from students for the safety day
- Mandatory for first year students and safety officers, but all students expected to attend
- Online training is mandatory for all students
- Jihye will contact West Campus printing for larger poster compilation
- Snapchat and Instagram: still in planning
- Ben will update website with event
New Project: SOPs for all labs in the department
July 14, 2017
Safety Day Meeting
- Tuesday August 27th 11 AM - 1:30 PM, Lunch ~12PM
- 3rd Floor SCL lounge: Advanced orgo lab and general lab for demonstrations
- Overlapping with teaching event for 1st years
- Pooling budgets with teaching event for bigger lunch
- Booths will be in hall near lunch tables
- Ben: map of event for registration table
- Jihye: JST table
- Prize: adhesive cell phone pouch (~100)
- Snapchat and instragram: geofilter and pictures
- JST uploaded videos for social media
- Instagram contest with hashtags
- Photo booth: oversized lab equipment
- JST members should provide memes for table
- Aneta and Daria: bench etiquette
- 4 or 5 photos
- Suzanne: emergency response
- Scripts for 3 scenarios: spills and fires
- Victor: Contamination
- Simulate contamination with glitter and stress balls
- Ana Kim waiting on fire department for demonstrations
- Contact for a handout
- Daria: AirGas
- Projectors for presentation
- Send pictures of lab space
- Pyrophorics
- Need volunteer
- Aneta has script
- Matt: Poster promoting event including logos of other visiting companies
- Prizes
- Completed passports
- Meme contest
- Instagram contest
- Snapchat contest
- JST sign up
- Clean and dirty JST pens
- Cell phone cases
- Yale mugs
June 26, 2017
a. AirGas trip - 12 people. Received itinerary: meet with PhD’s, engineers, lunch there covered by them, tour of plant, transportation EHS sponsored
Near miss reporting can use those funds
Peroxide poster popular
II. July Newsletter - after trip Suzanne will schedule meeting
III. Posters (toxic materials/safety day promotion)
July: Near miss reporting?
August: Small poster on promotion
September: laser/electronics safety
All set for 3 months.
IV. Near miss reporting
• Quick consultation with Kevin Charbonneau/Kelly Kellerman (Scheduled for 6/27)
• Submit PTAEO to IT (obtain from Kelly or Kevin)
Workday might affect PTAEO numbers that ITS asked for; changeover before we get them number may cause problems.
V. Field trip to AirGas
Send reminder email to attendees where tell people to come 15 minutes early - use previous email.
Can accomodate 1-2 extra people?
VI. Safety Day
Vinay put together a Google doc.
Encourage people to give suggestions within next week and volunteer for a booth.
August 28 and 29 encouraged (Monday and Tuesday)
Aim for 29th as it allows for set up time.
Booths Main Foyer:
Registration/passport pickup by JST volunteers
JST - JST volunteers
safety goggle fitting - EHS
lab coat company
ppe -EHS
waste management in main area with trifold
eship global
reporting chemical accidents - get responders from EHS, police to talk about them
Lab Spaces Interactive
bench/hood maintenance - Vinay and Daria materials
emergency response protocol - Suzanne did previously? Demonstrate how washes work.
clean areas/contamination - should be interactive and have photos
near miss reporting - may or may not be able to discuss new system - 1 person with computer
handling pyrophorics - Aneta has sheet
fire extinguisher - fire marshall
gas cylinder - AirGas may send volunteer
laser safety - Alex Parobek (Ganim Lab) may be amenable to help
Might want to fold some booths together to put it in main area
Next Steps:
Sign up for roles via Google Sheets
Scope out lab spaces with Anna Kim in beginning of July
For each booth, we need to gather props (Jihye will find old props (surely has magnets), will consider new theme)
Jihye suggests JST logo back of phone card carrier
Raffle giveaways via ‘passport’
Daria will handle purchasing fancy magnets
Jihye will locate new meme templates
New Handouts:
Eship global needs to make one
Someone needs to make or find an accident reporting handout with numbers
Clean areas/contam poster - can use email and poster
PPE discussion includes consideration of order to wear: goggles, gloves, then coat
Herzon may suggest a volunteer
Jihye put together a poster and let Ben know to get West Campus printing to handle it
Spare passports/empty folders at each booth - cover 3 areas - passport filled out gives you a prize (some mandatory some optional)
VII. New leadership
Vinay is stepping down - his model was delegating a lot of tasks to others - doesn’t need to be like that
New Leadership needed
Current Projects:
• Posters (ongoing)
- cryogens
- reactions under pressure
- laser, electronic, and instrumental safety
- waste disposal and freebies from EHS
- contingency plans (how to respond to fires, spills, and injuries)
- safety in bio labs
- carcinogens
- peroxides/azides
- oxidizers (also peroxides)
• Newsletter (permanent)
• Near Miss Reporting Update (expected complete Aug/Sept)
• Safety Day (scheduled late Aug)
• Airgas field trip (scheduled Jun 30)
Projects on Deck:
• Consultation service with BI/advice forum
• Keycard access to KCL
• Safety moments at lectures
• Safety videos with Shin Hee Lee (Brudvig Lab)
• Populate internal pages of near miss system
• Safety lecture with Scott Miller
VIII. Next meeting - tentative scheduling
Short meeting in the middle of July 14th (Friday)
and usual meeting at July 24th (Monday) - Ben will not be around
IX: Suggestions from the Floor
List of guidelines on what Safety Officer are supposed to do - resource not caretaker
abridged guidelines document floating around?
Suzanne and Vinay emailed safety officers on resources - never got back to them - put up something in CRB, to do in KCL
Poster on how to send out chemicals without getting stopped by EHS using Eshipglobal
Anna Kim will get in touch with people in her office who handle it - maybe come in September or just consult with them on a poster
- handout for safety day too - put on our website via links
Anna Kim recalls sending resources
Get safety officers involved via their PI
Standardize posters in clean room
Safety officer training can get started from petition from students
Need to pick up JST faculty sponsor - ask Seth if he’s still interested
Need easier adhesive or poster holder from Erin
Need new solution from gloves not being in NMR room/bathrooms
Hoods keep them closed?
Next meeting: Week of June 26, specific information TBD
May 26, 2017
Completed this month
- More meetings for near miss reporting
- May newsletter: contamination
- Near miss reporting poster
- Toxic materials poster
- Next poster: laser, electronic, and instrumental safety
- Flyers for common area contamination should not be taped on doors or walls, still waiting for installation of sleeves
Near miss reporting
- Created draft mock ups for internal pages
- Meetings planned for further implementation
- Might be able to go online August
- Submit project to IT for update
- $1500 left to spend
- Most will go to AirGas and Safety Day
AirGas Field Trip
- June 30 arriving around noon
- Project manager to talk about how tanks are filled
- Scheduling meetings with chemists
- Contacting with Kelly for transportation company
- Box lunch or lunch at AirGas
Safety Day
- Informational Booths
- Registration
- Map of exhibition
- JST general information
- Folder of all hand-outs/scripts/resources
- Raffles
- Meme contest
- Safety Goggle fitting
- PPE and gloves
- Inventory system, online resources
- Q/A with EHS/police responders
- Registration
- Interactive Demonstrations
- Lab entrance
- Bench/hood maintenance
- Emergency response
- Improv prompts
- Waste management
- Shipping and handling chemicals
- Clean areas/contamination - move to information booth
- Near Miss reporting/EHS reporting - move to information booth
- Training
- Pyrophorics/acutely toxic materials
- Fire extinguishers
- Laser safety
- Using a gas cylinder
- 3rd Floor SCL lounge
- ~2 hours
- Centered around lunch for more distributed attendance
- Need to contact undergrad lab managers for access
- Need to start before classes are in session (Week of 8/25 or 9/4)
- JST members should email any scripts/resources from last year to Vinay
Holden Thorpe Lecture
- September 24th as tentative date
Open forum
- Need links to JST website on EHS and Yale Chemistry website
- BI safety consulting
- Integrating a forum in the new near miss reporting website
- Video tutorials incorporation graduate and undergraduate students
April 20, 2017
Completed this month
- More presence on social media
- JST members should invite 5 people to next meeting
- News letter published
- Water marking poster still need to be completed
- Planning on field trip to AirGas started
- Goggle boxes still need to be installed in CRB
- West Campus meeting to build collaboration to develop safety culture in West campus
News Letter
- Better editing before publishing needed
- Deleting images too hard
- Next issue: chemical contamination
- Small flyers for no gloves or lab coats in public area
- Looking into getting poster sleeves for these small flyers
Near Miss Reporting Poster
- QR code added to link to website
- Comic layout (similar to XKCD comics)
- Possible scenarios: fire, chemical spill, injury, spill in the eyes
- Clarify what a near miss is
- Clarify what the JST wants from a near miss report
- If the incident causes personal injury or property damage or a fire extinguisher is used, must report to EHS
- Next poster: toxic materials
Near Miss Reporting
- Various meeting to put together reporting
- Meetings with IT
- Tagging near misses
- Secured funding such that meetings can proceed
- Still need to meet with instructors for undergraduate labs
Field Trip to AirGas
- AirGas fine with a Friday in June
- Tour of plant
- Talk with PhD chemists
- Lunch with chemists
- Transportation possibly provided by EHS
- May need to carpool and reimburse travel
- Will start getting a number of people interested once more details are solidified
Invited speakers for safety culture
- Brudvig’s old postdoc
- In May or June
- JST needs to advertise for event
Safety Day
- 1 session in afternoon instead of 2 sessions
- More involvement of physical chemistry safety issues
- 3rd floor of SCL by undergrad labs
New ideas
- Program to measure the extent of energy from an explosion from a reaction
- Minnesota JST collaboration to share tactics
March 16, 2017
Budget approved from Provost
Need to stay in line with EHS guidelines
- Postponed to April
- Need to get to email format
- Working with EHS to make newsletter publishable by email and finalizing template
- Writing for first issue is complete
- JST members will attend a training session for software use
- Writing for second issue will start by end of month
- Pyrophorics poster currently being designed
- Posting is being planned soon
- Next poster will begin design by end of month
Near Miss Reporting (NMR)
- Most of budget will go to this
- JST members will brainstorm specific categories for NMR
- Possible consultant from BI to comment in reports
- Need to improve more serious reports to be sent to EHS
- Adding a link to EHS and near-miss reports to cross report
- Clarifying what incidents should be reported to EHS
- Liaisons should contact safety officers
- Post on Facebook
- Add to newsletter
- Most important features include
- Open-ended searching
- Tagging of reports for easier searching
- Collected data closed to Yale
- Intuitive reporting such as multiple choice
- Low priority features
- Reporting closed to Yale
- Homepage
- Mobile version
- Internal pages
- Pages on specific and common chemicals with hazards, precautions, and relevant reports
Publicizing NMR
- Monthly Poster
- Link in newsletter
- Providing forms to undergraduate labs
- Meeting with IT and EHS IT representative
Summer Field Trip
- AirGas Facility in Cheshire
- Daria in charge of planning trip
- Possible networking session with chemists from Airgas during tour
Social Media
- Monthly reminder of JST
- Posting of Posters with watermark
- Sections from newsletter
- Safety incident articles
- Possibly getting food for next meeting once reimbursements are figured out
February 9, 2017
Next meeting: Thursday 3/2, 11:30 AM, pizza
Or potentially 5 PM meeting. Vinay will send Doodle poll.
Seminar, walkthrough
Positive feedback
Sent Jim thank you note
Safety symbols poster complete, will be put up this week
Newsletter committee met, and newsletter will be sent out to department next month.
Aneta will meet with layout designer from EHS.
Anna Kim has some ideas for articles for newsletter, will email them to us:
- DNPH formed in lab, required bomb squads
- IPA developing peroxides
These can be included in the news section of the newsletter
- Last month, there was a Na fire in the department. The lab where it happened discussed prevention methods.
Last semester’s goals:
- Posters: successful. Made 3 posters
- Liaising with safety officers: Condensed the EHS checklist into a shorter document. Streamlined orientation process by making a script for walkthroughs. Minimal response from other safety officers, but we have 5 safety officers in JST already.
- Events: Seminar
- Safety Moments before seminars: Haven’t started yet. We might make a committee to lead this.
- Near Miss Reporting: Daria and Vinay met to get funding. Will try to focus on this this semester. DK points out the value of accumulating this data in the long term. For example, from the data we’ve gathered, LAH is a common source of accidents, so we can make a poster/include this in newsletter.
Goals for this semester:
- Launch a newsletter to regularly engage with the chemistry community. Include news articles, near miss, tips, resources. Will also try to include info from newsletter on our Facebook page.
- Near miss reporting – From survey, people know there is a near-miss reporting system, but don’t know how to access it. We can put the link in the newsletter or on the posters. Matt points out that we should try to explain why it’s useful to report these things. Vinay suggests sharing examples of accidents to show what types of things people can report. Daria suggests compiling data in a visual form. Victor suggests leaving physical near miss forms in each lab. Could design pads with forms. At next meeting, will form a committee.
- Undergrad labs – try to implement this in their curriculum. They can assess mistakes and use this as a learning experience. Will collect data but compile it separately from grad student near misses. We can meet with Christine and John Parr.
- Events: Trip to BI or to Airgas. Should email them two months before trip (April for a trip during early summer).
- Posters: Continue what we’ve been doing. 8 more topics on list, should last until September.
- Consultation service with BI: We need to come up with system that will work well, like directory of BI scientists that can be contacted directly, or online form, or email that will be sent to JST first and then forwarded to BI. Would be useful for JST to be the first step, where student would send email to JST and then we would find someone in the department who has experience. DK mentioned that this idea came from a postdoc who was working with an explosive on small scale and wanted to do the reaction on larger scale, but didn’t know who to consult. DK and Vinay can make committee to discuss this further.
- Next two goals are lower priority:
- Key card access in KCL. When people work late or on weekends and don’t have someone working along with them, it is less safe if no one can enter the lab in case of an accident. More universal keycard access would be helpful in terms of safety, but worse in terms of security/potential theft. One possible solution is to turn on red light when the last person leaves, and keep the lock green when someone is in lab (is this possible?).
- Safety moments before lectures.
Matt and DK will make poster on pyrophorics. Will have brainstorming session. Anna Kim will send us list of restricted chemicals on Sciquest, which includes pyrophorics.
Newsletter: week since first meeting. Daria suggests that if someone comes across a useful safety article/idea, they should send it to the newsletter committee. We can make newsletter committee email address.
Aneta, DK, Daria, and Vinay are interested in the near-miss committee. We will recruit other members through email/the next meeting.
Labels for gas cylinders – not being restocked in gas tank room, but they are present in the stockroom.
Group organization:
Pres – Vinay
VP - Aneta
Treasurer – Daria
Secretary - Victor
Liaisons – Ben (SCL), Suzanne (CRB), Victor (KCL)
Posters – DK, Matt, Julia
Newsletter – Aneta, Daria, Victor, Jihye, Suzanne
Next Meeting: February 6-10 after people know when their TA assignments are
January 12, 2017
Personal Safety Posters are now posted throughout the department
JST Mini Safety Day
- Jim Meyer will be the speaker for the JST Mini Safety Day Seminar
- Jim has provided an outline of his talk and a list of props he needs
- Props: Contact Vinay if you have any of these to demonstrate
- Rusted reagent can
- Exam gloves
- Chemical resistant glove
- J-Young NMR Tubes (sealed)
- Promote event on website, emails, social media, posters/flyers (Jihye, Jake, Vinay, Ben)
- Contact safety officers for participation from first years (Liaisons)
- Email first years directly (Suzanne and Vinay)
- Buy refreshments (Matt and Daria)
- Drinks (soda or coffee/tea)
- Food
- Napkins
- Cups
- Speaker introduction and moderator (Julia)
- CRB walkthrough (Vinay and Suzanne)
- KCL walkthrough (Julia and Jihye)
- Clean up (Victor and Aneta)
- Event: Jan 19th at 4:00 PM followed by walkthroughs
Approached BI opportunity for direct communication regarding dangerous experiments and advice
Vinay and Julia have developed the lab walkthrough
Departmental Survey Results
- 88% of people know who we are
- 55.2% of people would be interested in another field trip
- 51.4% of people know about the near miss report but don’t know how to use it
- 30.5% know how to use the near miss report
- 95.2% people prefer an online format
- Most people like the posters equally to the memes
- Poster topics
- Laser safety
- Lab fires
- Dos and Don’ts
- Most people think that their lab is above average in terms of safety
- All JST members should work on recruiting new students during event
JST Newsletter
- Aim to start in March
- Victor, Suzanne, Daria, Aneta, Jihye
- Meet with EHS person in charge of EHS newsletter
February Poster (Aneta)
- Safety Symbols
- Pizza at the next meeting?
- Recruit during Mini Safety Day
- Chemical Chronicle
- Department-wide email
Further Plans
- Contact Seth about funding from Provost
- Keycard access
- Host a departmental event
- Further develop near miss report
- Continue poster campaign
- Field trips to Airgas?
December 8, 2016
New tank tags developed by Jake
Watermarking of Posters to be added online
Waiting on results from graduate student survey
Compiled Safety Officer Checklist
- Everyone should verify and edit list
- To be sent out to safety officer
Mini Safety Day
- Allocating $500 from budget
- Recruit safety officers to help volunteer
- Getting speaker from BI - new lay offs might make this difficult
- Might need to look elsewhere if BI does not respond with a speaker
- Pfizer
- Science Park
- Yale faculty to talk about past safety experiences, safety progress in chemistry, and future of safety in chemistry
- Department approval for event
- Publicity and refreshments to be done in January
- Posters for advertising Mini Safety
Open Discussion of Current State of JST and Projects to focus on
- Recruit more students to join, especially younger students
- Push near-miss reporting project next semester
- Better delegation and organization of tasks/positions
- Efforts for poster campaign are well spent
- Better distribution of resources and references
- Universal lab access to all graduate students for emergency purposes (petition)
- Recruitment meeting with pizza
- Presence in the Department news letter
- Develop a monthly JST email letter
- Safety tips
- More information than monthly poster
- Next meeting date, time, and location
- Safety glass holders to be installed to every lab entrance
- Moving lab coat hangers closer to the door
November 10, 2016
Budget Update: $1500 from Provost
Event Committee: Jake and DK
- Start planning events within new budget
Near-miss reporting: Vinay and Daria
- Start outlining near-miss reporting
November Poster: heavy metals
- Done and should be distributed throughout the department
December Poster
- Matt and Julia
- Topic: safe working procedures/working in lab alone/power outages, fires, snow closings
January Mini Safety Day
- Divided by sub-discipline
- BI representative to give a talk
- Available to talk with students after talk
- Vinay: Contact Seth about speaker fees
- Lab walkthroughs in CRB and KCL
- Jorgensen, Newhouse, Mayer, Hazari, and Holland labs potentially to be used
- Contact other safety officers for additional help
- Potentially January 18 or 19 late afternoon (~4PM)
- Contact safety officers in SCL for physical lab walkthroughs
- Laser safety, cryogenics, high voltage, magnets,
New ideas
- Using BI as a safety consultant for new experiments
- Mini Safety Day in May
- Focused on Biophysical chemists and chembio
- JST make tank tags that are printable for general use
- Contact EHS for more tank tags
- January poster: safety symbols and labels
- Add previous posters to the website with water marks
- Make it smaller to fit normal printer paper
October 13, 2016
Gift cards from Safety Day will be distributed to winners: Steph Craig and Josh Zweig
Budget Update
- Still awaiting news from Dr. Herzon
Website updates
- Ben has updated the website
- Any new members should send him information to further update
Scheduled Meetings will be on Thursdays at 1PM typically earlier in the month
Poster Committee Discussion
- Splitting the work load with one person designing a daft and another to edit works well
- Use email for mass feedback
- Brainstorming with knowledgeable people is important
- Placing educational posters in the CBIC - Contact Eric Paulson
- Suggestions:
- Use PDF instead of PowerPoint for editing purposes
- Next poster: Heavy metals and toxic materials
- Committee: Suzanne, Aneta, Megan
- Ask other labs for brainstorming ideas
- Reach out to BI for suggestions
Departmental Survey Questions
- Attending BI field trip?
- Aware of near miss reporting
- Reporting near misses?
- Format for near miss reporting?
- Poster preferences?
- Protocol for cleaning lab coats?
- How safety conscious is your lab?
- What is something that JST has been benefiting the department?
- Implementing incentive with gift card
- Voting on questions done through Google Doc
Safety Officer Relations Project
- Need to update list of lab safety officers
- Effort to include West Campus
- Checklist for EHS survey
- Committee: DK, Julia, Matt, Megan, safety liaisons
- Condense the EHS survey to be more tractable
- Biosafety: Victor and Matt
- Chemical handling and storage: DK
- Lab space management: Julia and Megan
- Waste disposal: Contact Anna for further information
Mini-Safety Day Orientation
- Divided up into sub-discipline (focus on organic, inorganic, and physical in January)
- Bring in some physical chemists
- Reach out to physical chemist through mailing list
- Attendance of BI representative
- Using EHS Checklist as a guide
- Walkthrough for a sample lab in each building
- Snacks or refreshments
- Short, about 2 hours
- Start with talk from BI
- Need to find a good date to include graduate students, 1st years, and undergraduate students
- Like the first week of classes starting around 5PM after labs end
Open Forum
- Include pictures from Safety Day on the Facebook Page
- Stall Wall flyers
- Design sleeves for restrooms
- Contact management to make sure posters are not removed
- Posters geared toward the science behind safety protocols
Next meeting: Check Google Form sent to email list
- Monthly safety posters with specific topic focus
- 2 committees to accomplish this
- Improve relations with lab safety officers (LSOs)
- work with EHS to outline duties
- Compile a list of EHS requirements
- Lab orientation improvements and standardization
- Events that engage the community
- Work with Social Hour Committee
- Lab walkthrough with BI
- Guest lecturer
- Safety moments presented by invited speakers
- Improve the near-miss reporting
- Upgrade the online form given a budget
- Physical collection boxes
- Install advertising posters
Group Positions and Responsibilities
- President: Vinay Trivedi-Parmar
- Vice President: Aneta Turlik
- Treasurer: Daria Kim
- Secretary: Victor Beaumont
- Archivist: Need volunteeer
- Webmaster: Ben Rudshteyn
- Poster Committees: Jihye Jo, Julia, need more volunteers
- Event Committee: Jake Black
- Social Media Committee: Jake Black, need more volunteers
- Industry Liaison: Need volunteers
- Department Liaisons:
- Victor Beaumont (KCL)
- Suzanne Szewczyk (CRB)
- Ben Rudshteyn (SCL)
- Safety Officer Relations Task Force
- DK
- Julia
New Posters
- Developed by Jihye using memes from Safety Day
- New sleeves will have to be ordered to put up in SCL once construction is done
- Cannot put any political images on the posters
Brainstorming Ideas
Poster Ideas
- Cryogens
- Reactions under pressure
- Laser / electronics / instrumental safety
- Hazardous gases
- Mercury and heavy metals
- Safety symbols
- Waste disposal and EHS free offerings
- Pyrophorics and toxic materials
- Safety officers/JST would do unofficial surveys of PPE compliance and safety protocol
- Mini safety day or orientation in January
- Have safety officers involved
- Include undergraduates
- Outreach to first year students
- Social hour
- Google forms to see availability
- Outreach to other labs for better attendance
- Liaisons should look for volunteers
First Poster: Hazardous gases and gas hazards
- Committee: Julia, DK, and Victor
- Vinay establish platform, cabinet, and monthly/year goals
- Planning events to continue presence in the department and address ways the JST can improve safety environment
New Ideas
- Walk-through of what can be fixed in labs
- Incorporate physical chemists’ issues
- Integrating safety officers with the JST and the department
- What are they expected to do and their relationship with EHS
- Updated list of safety officers on the JST website and posters
- Cyanide monitors and cyanide antidotes from Ana Kim
- EHS checklist for most common lab safety issues
- Publicize features and products that EHS offers
- Near-miss report boxes at exits and CBIC
- Posters for areas where food or lab coats are not allowed
- Establish safety minute for seminars
- Meetings are Wednesdays at 5:30 PM
- Change Facebook page to a group
- Added responsibility of safety liaisons to incorporate labs and safety officers
- Incorporate food at meetings as an incentive for attendance
- Streamline the safety orientation for labs distributed by liaisons
- Vinay will step up as president of the JST
- He would like to establish a VP to help him as well as other positions
- He and Ana have worked to get a $4,000 budget
- Needed to count the number of students in the department to determine the allocation of funds
- Sending proposal to Cynthia Smith
- He would like a more organized meeting schedule with agendas for monthly meetings and focus groups
- His plan for the year is for a continuous presence in the department
- Date moved to Tuesday August 30
- Need to send an email to BI to confirm with them the date change
- Demos
- Need more volunteers for demos
- Will contact students who participated last year to volunteer for demos
- Safety Stations
- Script for lab entrance
- Avoid synthetics
- PPE is put on in this order: glasses, gloves, then coat
- Bins for glasses and hangers for coats should be installed by Safety Day
- Develop point on marking entrances when spills happen
- Make a sign as an example
- Add a point about near miss reporting
- Students will need glasses and coats before entering the lab space
- Ask stockroom for 30 extra lab coats for Safety Day
- Script for good and bad habits
- Need hot plate to demonstrate use of lab equipment
- Standard signs for overnight to be posted on JST website
- Standardized forms and signs
- Need pictures of bad lab benches
- Proper use and disposal of needles
- Use of paper and tape tags
- Proper use of vacuums and rotovaps
- Script for emergency response
- Small scale spills do not need to be reported
- Highly toxic spills or large scale spills should be reported
- Call 911 for immediate response and then call EHS, otherwise just call EHS
- Local ambulances have protocols in place for exposures
- Visit the medical center for any exposures so there is a record of any incidents if symptoms are delayed
- Simulate spills with water
- Need packing peanuts
- Need spill pads
- Go to shower and remove clothes
- Have labmates secure the area
- Never work alone
- Fire scenario
- Show fire extinguishers
- Simulate fires with cutouts
- Script for waste management
- To be covered by EHS and Ana Newton
- Set up meeting to discuss what will be presented
- Script for lab entrance
- JST Table
- Raffle tickets for picture, comments, and meme contest
- 2 x $50 Amazon gift cards
- Demos
- Herman will also do pyrophorics demo
Next Meeting: Thursday August 4, 2016 CRB 202 at 10 AM
- Defined missions of JST
- Assigned offices and positions
- Designed a successful website
- Established a presence on social media
- Installed poster sleeves throughout the department
- Logo contest created an image for JST
- Introduced the near miss report
- Established a $500 annual budget from the department
- Established successful relation with EHS
- Established a partnership with BI
- Working to get safety practices and protocols from BI
- Ana announced the end of her term as president
- Future endeavors
- Further development of the near miss reporting
- Develop website to include a searchable database of safety report
- Introduce the safety minute
- BI is coming to Safety Day
- Event will be held on Monday August 29th
- Demonstrations of proper lab maintenance
- Tutorials on emergency protocols
- Waste management
- Create a better communication between the labs and EHS by providing comment cards
- JST Table
- Picture background
- Poster contest
- JST poster
- Meme contest
- Feedback cards
- Stations (Safety Liaisons will contact department for volunteers) held in SCL 166
- Lab safety demos (Prep hood)
- Toxic Reagents
- Pyrophoric Reagents - Aneta
- Biotopic
- Reactions under pressure
- Waste management - EHS, Ana Newton
- Emergency response - Xiaoshen (Morning) - Susanne (Afternoon)
- Cryogenics and Good bench habits - Vinay (Morning) - Daria (Afternoon)
- Lab entrance requirements - Victor (Morning) and Dan (Afternoon)
- Volunteers need to come up with a script
- Lab safety demos (Prep hood)
New ideas
- Posters promoting the near miss reporting
- Change the Facebook page to a group
Next Meeting: July 19, 2016 (Tuesday) at 10:00 AM in CRB 202.
- Ana bought the Yale mug as a gift to Bill for helping organize BI field trip.
- Ana bought two $50 amazon gift cards as prizes for Safety Day.
- A prize for new safety poster contest.
- A prize for PPE photo contest.
- We need to announce safety poster contest before Safety Day.
BI Field Trip Review
- Can we introduce similar system like BI to protect people who work alone at night?
- Considering our funding and environment in academia, we might consider pagers, but we wonder about whether the coverage of the pager would cover both the chemistry department and Yale security and how it would work.
- Ventilation; BI has a good ventilation system including hoods, sink, balances, rotary evaporators.
- We have a ventilation system only in the lab hood, but evaporating solvents and washing chemicals & glassware in the lab are the main cause of smell.
- We can use rotary evaporator and put waste disposal bottle inside the hood as each lab will decide.
- Waste disposal bottles have two choices: place inside the hood, have a dry secondary container at sink (important to make sure the secondary container is dry, water or solvents should be wiped after usage).
- Do not recap needles.
- We are doing pretty good job about this, but it is good to be aware of it.
Frequent questions about safety in the lab
- Safety inspection report email: would it be possible that EHS informs individuals who don’t follow safety rules instead of sending an email to PI? Often, a PI forwards the email back to students or safety officer to address issue. People think that it makes a tension between researchers and EHS. Also the report email comes 1~2 weeks later when it is hard to remember and correct the issue. It will be much easier to correct it on spot. (More direct interaction and communication between researchers and EHS officers)
- PI should be aware that what is going on in the lab because PI is responsible for their lab. Also how to deal with this reports are really depend on PI. (EHS cannot customize it).
- If the lab frequently receive similar reports, that means the lab needs to do the job correctly for their own safety.
- People have received reports regarding waste disposal, “Safety Day” will be a good day to demonstrate how to do it to inform people.
- CRB safety glasses holders:
- Labs in CRB don’t have safety glasses holder
- RULE: Safety glasses should be available in the lab, however, location doesn’t need to be specific
- Installing safety glasses holder will be nice, because it’s easier to reach, but not necessary for each lab.
- If we decide to install, the problem is who is responsible for funding. [Amazon $30/each, Sciquest $70/each].
- CRB lab coats hanger:
- Lab coats hanger is in back instead of being in front of lab space.
- Work order is already assigned to move hanger (hooks) location from back to front.
- Filling holes can be done by requesting a service to Yale University Office of Facilities “”.
- CRB food and drinks in the office
- Unlike KCL and SCL, students offices are in lab space
- Covered drink bottles are allowed
- No food! Eat food at the kitchen area
- Can people wear lab coats in corridor?
- “Yes” for transferring chemicals, walking from one lab to other lab.
- “No” in common areas specifically spaces are for preparing food, lab office, bathroom.
- If specific location says “No lab-coat policy”, it’s their decision and we need to follow.
- CBIC instrument center, the rule is “only clean lab coats are allowed”.
- Mainly because of sitting a chair while taking NMR spectrum”.
- It’s hard to tell which lab coat is clean or not, so people generally don’t wear lab coats in the instrument center.
- CBIC instrument center, the rule is “only clean lab coats are allowed”.
- What if researchers don’t shut fume hood sash repeatedly?
- Shutting the fume hood is really important for researchers to protect themselves such as splash, flame, fire, etc. It’s like losing all benefits to work at fume hood
- If someone keep violates it, tell EHS, then they will take care of it.
Safety Day
- Scheduled for Monday, August 29 (two hour session in the morning and another in the afternoon).
- Anna will make a Google document (table, volunteer, supplies to be purchased) and share with JST.
- We need to sign up volunteering at JST table and other tables both morning (2 hours) and afternoon (2 hours), then we would write a protocol containing bullet points to cover to make sure everybody’s on the same page.
- Tables include:
- JST table
- JST poster.
- A new safety poster contest $50 Amazon gift card.
- A PPE individual or group photo contest $50 Amazon gift card.
- EHS will buy a photo backdrop (Jihye will email Anna).
- We will give a passport stamp for taking a PPE photo.
- People will apply photo contest by “check-in” our Facebook page with the photo.
- Facebook check-in event will increase our followers.
- BI table:
- BI will bring their poster.
- BI table will be next to JST table
- Chemical Inventory Training:
- 10 people form one group.
- A question during meeting was how to manage missing items or deleting items if the chemicals are not belong to their lab.
- PPE & MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet):
- EHS will address some chemicals that are very toxic and dangerous.
- People can be less cautious when dealing with chemicals since MSDS show every chemical is toxic and dangerous; it is hard to distinguish levels of danger.
- BI table
- BI will bring their poster
- BI table will be next to JST table
- Chemical Inventory Training
- 10 people form one group
- A question during meeting was how to manage missing items or deleting items if the chemicals are not belong to their lab
- PPE & MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)
- EHS will address some chemicals that are very toxic and dangerous
- People can be less cautious when dealing with chemicals since MSDS showed every chemical is toxic and dangerous, hard to distinguish levels of danger
- Safety glasses table
- EHS will have diverse safety glasses.
- EHS will ask whether funding for prescription glasses is still available
- Chemical safety training:
- Every training is required for first year graduate students.
- Bio heavy & Inorganic (Pyrophorics) training will be optional since people have participated last year safety day.
- Toxics training / High-pressure reaction / Pyrophorics / Bio material.
- Last meeting, Daria notes that incident reports highlight issues with over-pressurizing reactions and quenching technique, Daria and Aneta will consider ideas for demonstrations.
- Waste disposal
- We will set up table to explain it step by step (easy to understand procedures).
- We will have a table demonstrating waste disposal procedures.
- Emergency scenarios
- Fire.
- Chemical exposure, spilling.
- Sharps (needles, glassware, etc).
- Will be nice to have two people are involved (one is a victim of incident, the other is a lab members who can help).
- AED/CPR/First aid training, EHS pays for it
- We need to introduce this training to people.
- Bench
- Make a contrast by setting a good and bad bench.
- People will be asked to find several things that are wrong in bad bench.
- Fire extinguisher training
- We will learn different types of extinguisher with proper operating method.
- Jake looked into laser safety there is not much about to train. We decide not to do laser safety training.
- Vinay suggests drafting out simple scenarios one may encounter in lab (suggestions include a small chemical spill, disposal of a small amount of solid, a chemical burn, how to use a pressure gauge, etc.) that participants may provide a written response to anonymously. The group can then review answers to identify areas of general misinformation.
- Ana notes that inventory maintenance has been lacking and the group suggests a booth about inventory use at Safety Day (particularly useful for newer students)”
- Related to the inventory, Vinay notes that a demonstration of the correct set up of chemical cabinets might also be useful.
- Proper waste disposal
- Jake suggests we provide information or literature on the cost and consequence of waste disposal—how much it costs a lab to get EHS to dispose a chemical (note: EHS pays for day-to-day disposal from a general fund) and what the consequence would be for disposing it the incorrect way.
- JST table
- We will set up Safety Day as a walk through, where participants stop at each station and are asked to perform tasks they might encounter in everyday lab work (e.g., putting on the correct PPE, demonstrate knowledge of how to use an eye wash/safety shower, disposing different types of waste correctly, how to respond when you observe an accident in a lab-mate’s hood). We will have a passport with stamps and time slots.
- EHS will prepare raffle prizes for complete passport.
- Do we want demonstrations for eye-washes and safety showers? (we didn’t discuss today).
- We need to anticipate how long does it take each table.
- JST need to decide whether it is worth switching from current Facebook page to Facebook group before Safety Day.
June 21, 2016
- Anna Kim presented printed mockups on cardstock to the group.
- The group agreed the quality of the posters was great with the exception of EHS and BI logos at the bottom—higher resolution images will replace the current ones on the template
- Vinay will convert existing poster files to PowerPoint files and send to Anna Kim
- Daria reports that a poster sleeve in the east CRB elevator is broken. Ana will contact Ed regarding replacement
- Anna Kim will print out a total of 60 posters to go up either this week or next.
- Ana reports that there has been difficulty accessing our account funds. She will contact Erin about this.
- Leftover money in the budget will be used to buy gift cards as prizes for Safety Day, as the fiscal year ends June 30, and funds will not roll over.
BI Field Trip
- Coming this Friday; everything looks good
- Our main goal is to forge a closer connection with BI
- Ideally, we will get access to a copy of their safety manual of SOPs. Vinay will contact Bill Yakush at BI to see if this is a possibility
- Vinay will email BI for a final confirmation of the field trip and ask about parking and if participants need to bring anything.
- We will use JST funds to purchase a Yale mug as a gift to Bill for helping organize this trip.
- Anna Kim has organized transportation
- Details for the trip: Bus is scheduled to arrive at 11:30 AM at 350 Edwards (near loading dock of CRB). We will meet in CRB 123 or 102 to pick up lunches. We’ll announce 11:30 as the meeting time, but assuming some tardiness, we will not expect to leave until 11:40.
Safety Day
- Scheduled for Monday, August 29 (one two hour session in the morning and another in the afternoon)
- Ideas include:
- Pyrophorics and toxics training
- Demonstrations for eye washes and safety showers
- Daria notes that incident reports highlight issues with over-pressurizing reactions and quenching technique
- Daria and Aneta will consider ideas for demonstrations (someone from the Herzon lab can help them)
- Vinay suggests drafting out simple scenarios one may encounter in lab (suggestions include a small chemical spill, disposal of a small amount of solid, a chemical burn, how to use a pressure gauge, etc.) that participants may provide a written response to anonymously. The group can then review answers to identify areas of general misinformation
- Jake will look into laser safety
- Ana notes that inventory maintenance has been lacking and the group suggests a booth about inventory use at Safety Day (particularly useful for newer students)
- Related to the inventory, Vinay notes that a demonstration of the correct set up of chemical cabinets might also be useful
- Proper waste disposal
- Jake suggests we provide information or literature on the cost and consequence of waste disposal—how much it costs a lab to get EHS to dispose a chemical (note: EHS pays for day-to-day disposal from a general fund); what the consequence would be for disposing it the incorrect way
- Ana suggests we set up Safety Day as a walk through, where participants stop at each station and are asked to perform tasks they might encounter in everyday lab work (e.g., putting on the correct PPE, demonstrate knowledge of how to use an eye wash/safety shower, disposing different types of waste correctly, how to respond when you observe an accident in a lab-mate’s hood).
Next Meeting as a focus group for planning Safety Day: July 7, 2016 (Thursday) at 10:00 AM in TBD.
May 16, 2016
- Still waiting on BI for setting up the visit to their campus
- Poster template created by Josh Zweig and Jihye Jo
- Still need approval from BI to have their logo on the template
- Needs to be approved by John Gamball
- Color coding template based on content
- EHS is continuing to get funding for the near-miss reporting program
- Near-miss report Google Doc currently on the Facebook, website, and Chemistry newsletter
- Need to refine what is done with the information collected
- Making the reporting more anonymous
- LinkedIn started for JST and will be updated by Ana Newton
- Safety Minute
- JST will talk about a safety topic before all seminar
- Ana will discuss with Prof. Brudvig to implement
- Planning for the Safety Day
- Safety training to be done online before the safety day
- Need suggestions for topic for demonstrations
- Send an invite to BI
- Compare the Yale labs versus with lab at BI
- We encourage students to take pictures of poor lab habits to bring to JST
- Safety Liaisons should email their buildings for ideas for Safety Day
- Ana Kim will ask Ed Ginter to move to the lab coat hangers to front of lab
- Will also work to get a box for lab goggles for labs that need them
- Will start to develop the website for easier use
Next Meeting: June 21, 2016 at 10:00 AM in CRB 102
April 18, 2016
- Winner of the logo contest: Josh Zweig
- Changes to logo: remove the Yale “Y” from the logo
- Logo is to be added to the website and the Facebook
- Mark Stricker: employee of Yale Printing Services responsible for the layout of Facebook pages at Yale
- John Gambell is our contact for layouts of Facebook page and posters
- Need a template for poster
- Contains JST logo, title, EHS logo, Yale “Y” symbol…
- Need a template for poster
- Posters have arrived and are ready to hang up
- Safety liaisons should set up a meeting with Ed Ginter to hang up posters
- Victor will start and decide the height of the poster
- Ana will email the blueprints for poster locations
- Near-miss reporting
- ITS charges $104/hour
- Estimates that it will take about 20 hours to do
- Look into “Safety Grants” to pay for the near-miss reporting
- Ask Anna Kim for funding help from EHS
- Legal issues with bad safety reports?
- May need to contact a lawyer from the department to discuss these issues
- Add the Google-Doc to the website and the Facebook
- Advertise through Karen and the Chemistry Chronicle
- Visit to BI
- End of May or beginning of June
- Visit labs and other departments
- Need to schedule a bus
- Around 30 people to go
- First-come-first-serve sign up basis
- Suggestions for changes in CRB labs from BI:
- Hangers for lab coats in front of lab
- “Safety Book” with protocol and procedures
- 5-minute presentation of the “Safety Environment” before a seminar
- Covering food before getting to desk in the office
- Setting up tape on the floor to mark areas where lab coats and safety glasses must be worn
Our next meeting will be held on May 16, 2016 in CRB 102 at 10:00 AM
- Discussed edits for the JST Poster for the visiting days
February 22, 2016
- Discussed results from Pat Holland’s graduate student survey
- 60% have heard of JST
- 30% have heard of JST but do not know what we do
- Most people would like to see JST be part of Safety Day
- 38% would only report if they need too
- 30% would report a near miss if it were a scary accident
- 25% Willing to report a near miss
- 8% Probably would not report a near miss
- Results on interest of JST invited speakers
- 82% Would like to see a representative from a safety team from another school
- 34% JST representative
- 20.5% EHS representative
- Near-Miss Reporting (Daria and Ben)
- Broken down by reagent and categorized by properties
- CAS#
- Hazards
- Handling
- Review before submitting to page
- Try to have it searchable by CAS number
- Created a WikiDot page for searchable near-miss reporting
- Submissions can be done using the Google Doc or the Wiki page
- Need to simplify page
- Will address instrumental near-miss reporting when chemical near-miss reporting has been established
- Contact IT department for a quote in setting up a webpage for near-miss reporting
- Broken down by reagent and categorized by properties
- JST Logo
- Determine if it needs to be approved by the Yale Corporation
- Boehringer Ingelheim
- Ana Newton visited the company’s campus
- Brainstorming activities
- Visit their safety committee
- EHS can provide transportation to campus
- Inviting a representative from the safety committee at BI
- Invite BI to present a poster on safety at the visiting days
- Ask how they catalog safety protocols/chemical hazards and accident reporting
- Invite someone from BI to appear on the career panel
- Victor and Jacob
- Poster for JST
- Mission statement
- How we are
- Use logo on poster
- Take a picture of members to put on poster
- Events
- Partnership with BI
- Active endeavors
JST Picture Date: March 7, 2016
Next JST meeting: March 7, 2016
January 25, 2016
- Represented Groups
- Baxter
- Loria
- Ganim
- Newhouse
- Jorgensen
- Herzon
- Batista
- Good news! The Department of Chemistry has accepted out proposal for a budget!
- Collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim
- Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) has a agreed to work with JST to establish an environment of safety at Yale’s Department of Chemistry
- JST is currently working on activities to propose to BI
- A group separate from JST is going to visit BI, Ana has applied to join them
- Poster sleeves
- Barbara Fitzgerald is researching affordable options
- Sizing:
- Letter
- Legal
- Tabloid (Most desirable size for the JST)
- Logo Contest
- Deadline extended to March 1st
- JST will continue to solicit on Facebook, the JST website, email threads, …
- “Get to know us!” weekly Facebook post
- Posting name, picture, and short bio of JST members to introduce to the rest of the department
- Adam Matula and Jacob Black will join the team managing these posts
- Facebook Management Team will also post weekly safety tips
- Pat Holland’s Survey
- JST has a page of questions to probe the interest of the department
- JST encourages all members of the department to respond to these survey questions
- Near-Miss Report (NMR)
- Weekly safety posts might be pooled from these responses
- Link to be added to the Facebook page
- Working on posting responses to the JST website
- Daria will work with Ben to organize the NMR
- Contact IT for rates in aiding to launch NMR
- Develop a proposal to pay for IT support
Next meeting: February 22 in CRB 102 at 10:00 AM
- Represented Groups
- Jorgensen
- Newhouse
- Batista
- Loria
- Baxter
- Herzon
- Jihye Jo is our newest member in the Marketing Department. Congratulations
- JST Budget
- Set up meeting between Ana, EHS, and Erin for the next fiscal year
- Contact Karen for advertising space in the Chemistry Chronicle
- Liaisons still need to contact other labs for better representation
- Logo Contest
- JST will decide winner by poll
- Rules to be uploaded onto website
- Winner will receive $50 gift card to Winner will be announced to the department in mid-February and also by email thread.
- Deadline is February 1, 2015
- Send all logo submissions to
- Members of the JST can participate but cannot win
- Dimensions must be square
- Must contain “JST” and “Yale” or some symbol representing Yale
- All submissions must be original. JST is not responsible for any trademark infringement from submissions.
- JST reserves the right to use any and all submitted logos
- JST will not accept any inappropriate submissions
- Memes from the Safety Day Meme Contest will be uploaded to the JST Facebook Page
- Pat Holland’s Graduate Student Survey
- Have you heard of the JST?
- What type of events would you like to see from the JST?
- What events did you like most?
- What would you like the JST to do for you?
- Do you think the near-miss reporting would useful?
- What invited speaker would you like to have for safety talks?
- Events and Activities of the JST
- Logo Contest
- Video Contest
- Safety Day 2015
- Safety Day 2016 T-Shirts with JST logo
- Safety Poster Contest for poster sleeves
- Portrait backdrop for pictures to be used on posters/website/Facebook
- Interactions with industrial company (Vinay and Ana Kim)
- Visit to the company to limited number of people in the department
- Possibly based on a written application to explain desire to go on visit
- Invited Speakers
- Visiting Days
- JST poster for the poster session for perspective students
Next meeting: Monday, January 25, 2016 at 10:00 AM in CRB 102
- Represented Groups
- Miller
- Jorgensen
- Zilm
- Batista
- Loria
- Newhouse
- Herzon
- Ganim
- For better representation
- Ask Karen to send out email for more representation at JST meetings
- Liaisons contact safety officers to let them known what is going on in the meeting
- Liaisons ask for more representation for an open forum type of meeting
- Website
- Ready to go live (Next Tuesday) (Ben)
- Need link for blog
- Facebook (Monday) (Vinay)
- Link from website to Facebook, and vice versa
- Poster Sleeves
- Contacted Erin McAvoy twice, no answer
- Gave all plans to Erin
- Waiting on Erin for money from department
- Once sleeves come, Liaisons meet with Ed to install
- Education Department
- Logo contest for JST from the department
- Upload rules onto website
- Announce at the Department Social Hour December 4
- $50 gift card for winner?
- Ana will contact Erin regarding this
- Deadline: February 1st
- JST members should provide their own examples, though they will not win
- Video competition: safety videos
- Launch date: TBD
- Announce winner at YCS in August
- Winner gets Annual Safety Award
- Model after Minnesota video contest
- 5 minute limit
- Centered around lab safety
- Jacob Black of the Ganim Group is now a member of the Education Department
- Place a sign up sheet at the Social Hour
- Adding JST news to the Chemistry Chronicle (Vinay)
- Logo contest for JST from the department
- Boehringer Ingelheim (Vinay)
- Contact on behalf of JST
- Introduce the group to them
- Make a collaboration to share safety protocols
- Possibly make an on-site visit or meeting
Next meeting: Monday December 14 10AM CRB 102
September 17, 2015
- Lab coats are expected to arrive within the next few weeks
- Additional fitting session Monday (9/21/15) at 3:00 PM in stockroom
- Delegations of positions
- Safety Officer Liaisons
- CRB: Xiaoshen Ma
- SCL: Anne Carroll
- KCL: Victor Beaumont
- Liaisons should mark building layouts with good locations for poster sleeves by Monday (9/21/15)
- Communication Department
- Marketing: Katie Krueger
- Media: Vinay Trivedi-Parmar
- Website: Ben Rudshteyn
- Education and Safety Department
- Aneta Turlik
- Herman Nikolayevskiy
- Annual Safety Award?
- Logo Contest
- Video Contest
- Engaging Students and Post-docs
- Social Events: Anne Carroll
- Everyone holding a leadership position should send Ana or Ben a picture of themselves and a description by Monday (9/21/15)
- Safety Officer Liaisons
- JST Aim
- (Proposed) Each laboratory will have one or more designed Laboratory Safety Officers (LSOs). These are typically senior graduate students. The duty of the LSO is to ensure that laboratory members are in compliance with all safety rules on a day-to-day basis. This, the LSOs are obligated to correct laboratory members who are out of compliance. The LSOs are also instructed by the faculty to bring repeated instances of non-compliance to their faculty advisor.
- Anne: To shape safety awareness and practices and thereby improve the culture of safety for students at Yale. To create a positive and meaningful safety environment leading to an improved culture of safety at Yale and beyond. To promote a practical and substantive safety culture and thereby equip students with the skills to safely work in a range of laboratory settings at Yale and beyond. To decrease laboratory accidents by raising awareness of laboratory safety and shaping the implementation of safety practices. To promote a culture of safety and develop safety guidelines that are practical and protective and thereby develop scientists who can work safely in the laboratory at the highest standards. To promote safe laboratory practices as an integral component of our studies and thereby equip students with the knowledge needed to safely work in the laboratory at Yale and beyond.
- Using Anne’s aims
- Aims are to be added to the JST website
- Website Development
- Written using Drupal
- “About Us” tab
- Mission Statement
- Leadership postions
- “Resources” tab
- Accidents
- Chemical-specific information
- General Safety
- Other Safery Teams
- Potential Safety Reminders
- Safety Culture?
- Near miss report should be added
- Chemical hazard labeling
- Color coded barcodes?
- Chemical hazards diamond description
- Safety Day
- All lab members must take the chemical safety online training
- Ana Kim is still developing a simpler “Near Miss” Report
- Meme Contest Winners
- Chris Schugrue
- Kyle East
- Megan Reesbeck
- Must contact winners before announcing to the department
- Vinay: Collect all memes and type out written portions to be used as safety posters
- New enlisted members are listed in the DropBox